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The CanGym Program is Canada’s National Skill Development and Evaluation program for children aged 6 years and up. There are 12 badge levels. Badges 1 through 4 focus on skills that are considered “building blocks” for more advanced gymnastics. Badges 5 through 12 are separated into Men's Artistic Gymnastics and Women's Artistic gymnastics.

At each level, all of the skills must be mastered before moving to the next badge. 

CanGym Badge  1-2 ( Burgundy - Red)

CanGym Badge  3-4 (Tan - Bronze) 

CanGym Badge  5-6 (Purple - Blue)


The CanGym 1.5-hour long class for older kids.  Participants perfect basic skills and develop more complex skills. Please check with your current coach if you are unsure which level to register for. They will receive report cards for the appropriate level they are working on. 

Advanced Rec / CanGym Badge 7-12 (Turquoise - Gold).Participants must have completed Badge 6 in order to register. 



Cangym Badge Syllabus