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  Our Mission

      It is the goal of the YKGC to provide recreational and competitive gymnastics in a safe,

supportive and fun environment that promotes overall fitness, skill development and self-esteem.

Who We Are

Since 2003, the Yellowknife Gymnastics Club (YKGC) has been operating out of a gymnastics facility within the Multiplex Arena - the only dedicated gymnastics facility within the NWT.

The facility was created when the community rallied together with many companies, organizations and individuals stepping up to raise and/or donate funds. So, you could say that our foundation was built on the commitment, support and generosity of our community.

The YKGC is a non-profit organization run by a volunteer Board of Directors and relies on parents, athletes and the community-at-large who support the YKGC through volunteering and fundraising.

Recreational Coaching Information

The Gymnastics Foundations Pathway is comprised of 3 separate courses, Foundations Theory, Foundations Introduction, and Foundations Sport Specific.

Individuals looking to begin their coach education to become a gymnastics coach must first register for a National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) number in the Locker by creating a profile before registering for any Gymnastics Foundations courses.

(Don’t have an NCCP #, Click here to create one).

 Gymnastics Foundations THEORY

This 4 hour NCCP course will take place in an online classroom setting and is applicable to all gymnastics disciplines. It will cover the modules Planning a Practice and Making Ethical Decisions. Upon completion of the THEORY course all coaches should complete the online MED (Competition Introduction) evaluation. See MED section for more details.

Gymnastics Foundations INTRODUCTION

This one day NCCP course is taught in the gym and is an active course. It is relevant to all gymnastics disciplines (Active Start, Artistic, Trampoline & Rhythmic). The course will cover the Fundamentals of gymnastics while developing Fitness abilities and having Fun.

 Gymnastics Foundations Discipline Specific Course  Active Start | Artistic | Trampoline

We are currently running 3 discipline-specific NCCP courses. Each of these one-day courses will provide information specific to each discipline and will take place in a gym setting.

Competitive Coaching

 Competition Introduction (C1)

The Competition Introduction course provides the coach with the theoretical and technical knowledge required to prepare them to coach athletes in developmental, pre-competitive, and competitive programs.

To become a trained Competition Introduction (Comp 1/C1) coach, the participant must be 16+ years old and be fully trained in the relevant Foundations discipline. Then attend a series of training courses. 

  • C1 Theory
  • C1 Women's Artistic
  • C1 Men's Artistic - Add On
  • C1 Trampoline

Competition Advanced (C2) 

The Competition Introduction Advanced course provides the coach with the theoretical and technical knowledge required to prepare them to coach advanced competitive athletes.

To become a trained Competition Introduction Advanced (Comp 2/C2) coach, the participant must be fully certified in the relevant Comp 1 discipline, and attend a training course described below.

  • C2 Women's Artistic
  • C2 Men's Artistic
  • C2 Trampoline

Respect In Sport 

Respect in Sport is a grassroots on-line training course for coaches and sport leaders. It is designed as a tool to assist coaches in identifying and dealing with abuse, neglect, harassment, and bullying in sport. The course is completed online and is a total of three (3) hours: split into six (6) simple, 30-minute modules.

As mandated by Gymnastics Canada, ALL coaches 15 years of age or older are required to complete this course as part of their registration requirements. There are no exemptions.

If you need to print off a copy of your RiS certificate (for your own records or to provide to your employer), you can do so at any time: just login to the RiS system to print or reprint your certificate.